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/ PC World Komputer 2010 April / PCWorld0410.iso / redakcyjne / programy / PSPad editor 4.5.4 build 2356 beta / pspad454inst_en.exe / {app} / Context / RSS.DEF < prev    next >
Text File  |  2003-10-25  |  6KB  |  252 lines

  1. ; PSPad clip definition file for RSS and RDF
  2. ;
  3. ;
  4. ; Author: Karel Pavelka webjob@seznam.cz
  5. ; translated by: Jan Fiala
  6. ; last revision: 30.8.2003
  7. [Macro definition]
  8. %domain%=@E domain=,domain=,,,"
  9. %encoding%=@C encoding=,encoding=,,windows-1250;iso-8859-2;utf-8,"
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  20. %url%=@E url=,url=,,,"
  21. %version%=@C version=,version=,,"1.0","
  22. %versionrss%=@C version=,version=,,"0.91";"0.92";"2.0","
  23. ;
  24. ;
  25. [  | nonbreak space]*Shift+Ctrl+Space
  27. [„ | lower quote]*Shift+Ctrl+U
  28. [“ | upper quote]*Ctrl+U
  29. [' | apostroph]
  30. '
  31. [> | char ">"]
  32. >
  33. [< | char "<"]
  34. <
  35. [& | amphersand]
  36. &
  37. ;
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  43.  º|
  44. -->
  45. ;
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  51. ;
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  54. |
  55. ;
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  61. ;
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  67. ;
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  74. ;
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  83. ;
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  86. ;
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  89.  º|
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  91. ;
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  98. ;
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  103. </item>
  104. ;
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  106. <language>%language%</language>
  107. ;
  108. [lastBuiltDate | last file modification]
  109. <lastBuiltDate>%RFCTime%</lastBuiltDate>
  110. ;
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  113. ;
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  116. ;
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  119. ;
  120. [pubDate | chanel contents publication date ]
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  122. ;
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  125. ;
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  128.  º|
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  130. ;
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  133. <!-- RSS generated by PSPad editor, www.pspad.com; %RFCTime% -->
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  136. ;
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  177. ;
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  180. ;
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  183. ;
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  189. ;
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  192. ;
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  195. ;
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